Journal Description

Journal title: Enlighten: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam
Abbreviation: Enlighten
ISSN: 2622-8920  (e) 2622-8912  (p)
DOI Prefix: 10.32505/enlighten by
Type of peer-review: Double-blind
Indexing: DOAJ and view more  
Frequency: 2 issues/year (Jun, Dec)
Publisher: Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling IAIN Langsa wih PABKI
Editor in Chief: Rizky Andana Pohan 
Citation analysis: | Scopus | WoS | Google Scholar | Sinta |

Enlighten: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal and is rated according to international publication standards. We swiftly publish articles online that are published twice a year with broad topic categories. We invite scholarly contributions on Islamic Guidance and Counseling in Southeast Asia, including works beyond this geographical scope, when addressing comparative or timely intervention topics relevant to the region. Enlighten encourages scholarly, theoretical, pragmatic, and contemporary research, by making clear conceptual and methodological contributions to the existing international literature. This may include but is not limited to areas such as Islamic counseling planning/management, indigenous Islamic Counseling, Therapy, Coaching, Counseling models and techniques, case studies, economics and welfare, counseling in various settings such as schools and colleges, hospitals, religious institutions, foster homes, psychology, etc., especially those related to society, Islam and its counseling interventions.

Our international editorial board fills the gap in the field of Islamic counseling and Western counseling by promoting interdisciplinary work in studying its relationship with cultures such as religion and spirituality both Islamic and non-Islamic, values, beliefs, life attitudes with individual intervention alternatives for those interested and located in the Southeast Asia region. The journal does not favor theoretical or applied research and strives to be a bridge between levels of knowledge. Current efforts are to gradually improve the quality of research, along with supporting capacity building initiatives to enhance research in the field of Islamic guidance and counseling in the region. In Enlighten, we also publish special issues and special sections on request. Special issues allow us to publish papers that focus on specific themes, often related to emerging or under-researched topics. Author Testimonials

Collaboration of Authors from at Least Two Different Countries

Jan 8, 2024

Dear authors

Starting with Volume 7 Number 1 issue in 2023. Enlighten will publish collaborative articles from at least two countries. Therefore, we hope that authors who will submit their articles to ensure that the number of authors comes from two different countries. Thank you

Best regards
Editor in Chief

Rizky Andana Pohan

Vol 6 No 2 (2023): July-December

Published: Dec 30, 2023

The Effectiveness of Cognitive Restructuring Counselling Containing Wahdatul Ulum Values to Increase Student Perseverance

64-75 Yenti Arsini, Ira Wirtati, Emeliya Sukma Dara Damanik
Read Statistic: 101

Enhancing Critical Thinking Skills in Students: A Study on the Effectiveness of Group Counselling Strategies Using the Talking Stick

76-89 Anna Ayu Herawati, Syahriman Syahriman, Adif Jawadi Saputra, Arsyadani Mishbahuddin, Ahmad Syaf Ya Habibi
Read Statistic: 253

The Impact of Academic Stress and Cyberloafing on Students’ Smartphone Addiction

90-99 Vera Sriwahyuningsih, Mufadhal Barseli
Read Statistic: 153

Academic Resilience of High School Students Based on Gender Types at Limited Face to Face Learning Time

100-110 Afi Faturrohmah, Dony Darma Sagita
Read Statistic: 57

Does Flexible Working Time Make Start-up Company Workers More Engaged?

111-122 Michelle Astari Rumiris Silitonga, Megawati Batubara
Read Statistic: 127
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