AL-HIKMAH: Media Dakwah, Komunikasi, Sosial dan Budaya is a journal that publishes current original researches on da'wah and communication, phenomenon and studies related to social and cultural context in Indonesia in multi concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies.

The focus study of AL-HIKMAH: Media Dakwah, Komunikasi, Sosial dan Budaya are :

  1. Islamic communication/public speaking (Tabligh).
  2. Da’wah management (Tadbir).
  3. Islamic community development (Tamkin).
  4. Mass Media and Journalism; this field examines journalistic activities and media production which includes print, radio, television, and internet.
  5. New media and communication technology; a new field of communication study that continues to develop along with technological advances and community needs, this field includes digital media, virtual, interactive, hypertextual and networking.
  6. Public Relations; This field of communication examines Public Relations which include internal and external relations within an organization or institution, as well as the creation of public opinion in society.
  7. Political Communication; communication involving messages, media, and political actors or those related to power, government, and policy.
  8. Marketing Communication; a field that examines ideas, information, opportunities, and challenges through various symbols to achieve company goals.
  9. Sociology of Communication: the process of sociological communication, as a form of social interaction involving individuals or social groups.