JL3T (Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching) https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t <p style="font-size: 14px; background-color: #33b7e0; padding: 10px; color: yellow;"><strong>ISSN : </strong> <a style="color: white;" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1496050119" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2580-2348 (e)</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/1496050119" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2477-5444 (p)</a> <br><strong>Editor In Chief : </strong><a style="color: white;" href="https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57211397677" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dedy Suhery, M.S., Ph.D</a><br><strong>Managing Editor : </strong><a style="color: white;" href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/authors/profile/6731883" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Cut Intan Meutia, S.Pd.I., MA</a><br><strong>Frequency&nbsp;: </strong><a style="color: white;" href="https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t/issue/archive" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Twice a year (June and December)</a> <br><strong>Indexing : </strong><a style="color: white;" href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/profile/8351" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SINTA</a>, <a style="color: white;" href="https://moraref.kemenag.go.id/archives/journal/98077985952771861" target="_blank" rel="noopener">MORAREF</a>,&nbsp;<a style="color: white;" href="https://app.dimensions.ai/discover/publication?and_facet_source_title=jour.1378806" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Dimensions</a>, <a style="color: white;" href="https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t/indexing_and_Abstracting" target="_blank" rel="noopener">etc</a>.<br><strong>Accreditation : </strong><a style="color: white;" href="https://sinta.kemdikbud.go.id/journals/profile/8351" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SINTA 4</a> | <a style="color: white;" href="https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/public/site/images/lpbadmin/Sertifikat_akreditasi_JL3T_0011.png" target="_blank" rel="noopener">164/E/KPT/2021</a> <br><strong>Publisher : </strong><a style="color: white;" href="https://upb.iainlangsa.ac.id" target="_blank" rel="noopener">UPT. Pengembangan Bahasa IAIN Langsa</a> <br><strong>URL : </strong><a style="color: white;" href="https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>JL3T (Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching)</strong> is a biannual journal published by UPT Pengembangan Bahasa, IAIN Langsa that publishes original research papers in applied linguistics, literature, and language teaching in June and December.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">The aim of this journal is to encourage inquiry into the relationship between theoretical and practical studies in order to promote a normative approach to research on language and language- related concerns. The journal welcomes contributions in such areas of current analysis in: first, second, and foreign language teaching and learning; language in education; language planning, language testing; curriculum design and development; multilingualism and multilingual education; syntax; semantics; Sociolinguistics; morphology; psycholinguistics; pragmatics; Phonology; discourse analysis; translation; clinical linguistics; and literature and teaching.</p> UPT. Pengembangan Bahasa IAIN Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa en-US JL3T (Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Language Teaching) 2477-5444 Developing English Material for Food and Beverage Service Used by Students at SMKN 1 Singaraja https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t/article/view/6159 <p style="text-align: justify;">This study aimed to determine the English for Food and Beverage Service needs of eleventh-grade students of Tourism Majors at SMKN 1 Singaraja, to design and develop the English material for Food and Beverage Services used by 11th-grade students at SMKN 1 Singaraja, to determine the quality of the developed material. This research used the Design and Developments model that Rickey and Klein (2009) suggested, which includes planning, development, and evaluation. The instruments used were interviews, questionnaires, and document analysis. The findings of this study revealed the student’s needs (necessities, wants, lacks, input, setting, procedure, the student’s role, and the teacher’s role) which are important for improving the student’s motivation and achievement in learning. Three units were developed based on the document analysis: Taking Reservations by Telephone, Receiving and Seating Guests, and Taking Food and Beverage Orders. The material is developed based on the theory proposed by Hutchinson, T., &amp; Waters, (1987). This includes input, content focus, language focus, and task. The quality of the product’s effectiveness was evaluated by the theory proposed by Litz, (2005). After calculating data from the expert judges, the quality of the developed material can be categorized as very good material. Thus, it can be a supplementary source for learning English for Food and Beverage Service at SMKN 1 Singaraja.</p> I Gusti Ayu Ira Krishna Santhi Nyoman Karina Wedhanti Made Mahendrayana Copyright (c) 2023 I Gusti Ayu Ira Krishna Santhi, Nyoman Karina Wedhanti, Made Mahendrayana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 9 2 92 105 10.32505/jl3t.v9i2.6159 A Generative Phonology: Syllable Structure of Hajji Yemeni Arabic https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t/article/view/6089 <p style="text-align: justify;">This study deals with the syllable structure of Hajji Yemeni Arabic (HYA) in the light of Generative Phonology. Hajji Yemeni Arabic is a variation of Arabic spoken in the northwestern part of Yemen, which tries to elaborate and discuss the elements of syllable structure and possibilities of patterns of syllables in a term of consonants and vowels. The main aim of this study is to investigate the syllabification patterns of Hajji Yemeni Arabic, hereafter referred to as (HYA). Through qualitative phenomenology, this study analyzed the different syllabification patterns attested in Hajji Yemeni Arabic and a comprehensive analysis of the syllable shape within the framework of Generative Phonology. The findings of the study; Hajji Yemeni Arabic has five patterns of syllables: (monosyllabic, disyllabic, trisyllabic, tetrasyllabic and pentasyllabic). Hajji Yemeni Arabic prohibits initial consonant clusters, but consonant clusters are permitted in the coda position, and the maximum number of permitted consonants is two only. No vowel occurs word-initially, and every syllable must begin with one and only one consonant sound (simple onset).&nbsp; Hajji Yemeni Arabic has two kinds of syllables: open syllables, as in the syllable shapes /CV/ and /CV:/, while closed syllables, as in the syllable shapes /CVC/, /CV:CC/, /CV:C/ and /CVCC/.</p> Muhammed Jubran AL-Mamri Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammed Jubran AL-Mamri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 9 2 106 124 10.32505/jl3t.v9i2.6089 Eco-translatology: A study on the English Translation of Gayo’s Narrative "The Legend of the Origin of Depik" https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t/article/view/6112 <p style="text-align: justify;">Eco-translatology, an emerging field focusing on ecological-themed texts and sustainable translation practices, was explored in the translation of the Gayo narrative--“The Legend of the Origin of Depik”-- The study investigated the strategies employed in the translation process through qualitative content analysis. Interpretation is examined from linguistic, cultural, and communicative dimensions using Hu's (2001) three-dimensional adaptation and selection theory. The findings showed that strategies like “emptying,” “compensating,” and “leaning on” were used, however, the translation faced challenges in attaining accuracy, cultural connotations, and effective communication. Translators must prioritize these aspects to achieve a faithful rendition, aligning eco-translatology’s three-dimensional adaptation and selection theory. This research emphasizes the importance of environmental awareness in translation and highlights the need for further attention to ensure successful ecological and culturally sensitive translations.</p> Susidamaiyanti Meisuri I Wy. Dirgeyasa Kartina Ramadhani Rafita Tioria Sianipar Copyright (c) 2023 Susidamaiyanti, Meisuri, I Wy. Dirgeyasa, Kartina Ramadhani, Rafita Tioria Sianipar https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 9 2 125 137 10.32505/jl3t.v9i2.6112 A Critical Review of IELTS Speaking Test https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t/article/view/7161 <p style="text-align: justify;">The present study on content analysis attempts to give detailed examinations of the IELTS Speaking Test. It provides an overview of the aim of tests, as well as their reliability and validity, along with a discussion of language testing during the previous three decades. The merits and limitations of the IELTS Speaking Test were investigated, with an emphasis placed on exam scenarios. Validity, reliability, and application served as the evaluation criteria for this study. The IELTS speaking test is accurate and reliable in general; however, there are a few contentious aspects that may have an effect on the test's reliability and validity. These aspects were investigated and described in this paper. In general, the IELTS speaking test is accurate and reliable. There, the following potential proposals were made: A double-marking technique, a video conference delivery, and an intervention are all examples. The IELTS Speaking Test is one specialized component that is administered in a distinct place from the IELTS Listening, Reading, and Writing tests on the same or a different day. By using the face-to-face method, the examiner only needs to do an evaluation of the candidate's performance once, and the entire process is recorded so that there is a record in case something goes wrong. A few weeks after the test, candidates will receive the results online and by mail. Subjective factors like candidate preferences and marker performance will have a significant impact on the entire testing process and evaluation findings.</p> Rita Seroja Ginting Ahmad Amin Dalimunte Muhammad Dalimunte Eka Yuni Kurniati Devika Adelita Copyright (c) 2023 Rita Seroja Ginting, Ahmad Amin Dalimunte, Muhammad Dalimunte, Eka Yuni Kurniati, Devika Adelita https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 9 2 138 155 10.32505/jl3t.v9i2.7161 Probing the Impacts of MBKM Programs on Students’ Soft and Hard Skills https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t/article/view/7080 <p style="text-align: justify;">Both soft skills and hard skills are vital to competence graduates’ competence in developing their potential according to their respective interests and skills. In line with these demands, this research aimed at exploring the impact of implementing MBKM on the improvement of soft skills and hard skills of Teuku Umar University students. The object studied are aspects of soft skills including communication skills, responsibility, honesty, fairness, ability to work together, adaptation, tolerance, respect for others, decision-making abilities and problem-solving abilities. Meanwhile, the components of the hard skills studied were foreign language skills, IT skills, reasoning skills, problem-solving skills, collaboration skills, understanding skills and creative thinking skills. The subjects of this study were Teuku Umar University students who had taken the MBKM program. The data were analyzed descriptively by using the percentage of each aspect of soft skills and hard skills. It was found that after joining the MBKM Program, first: students’ soft skills regarding the ability to communicate, responsibility, honest attitude, ability to use technology, to adapt, to be fair, to have cooperative and tolerant attitude, attitude, o respect others, and to make decisions increased up to 98%. Second, regarding the hard skills such as the ability to understand, the ability to reason, problem-solving skills, the ability to connect with other people, the ability to think creatively, the increased is reaching 96.6%. It is concluded that after joining the MBKM programs, the students’ softskills excel as expected.</p> Endah Anisa Rahma Giovanni Oktavinanda Zou Deping Veni Nella Syahputri Copyright (c) 2023 Endah Anisa Rahma, Giovanni Oktavinanda, Zou Deping, Veni Nella Syahputri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 9 2 156 168 10.32505/jl3t.v9i2.7080 Exploring Maxim Flouting in “A Man Called Otto” Movie: A Pragmatic Study https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jl3t/article/view/7045 <p style="text-align: justify;">The term flouting maxim refers to a situation in which a speaker deliberately fails to uphold one of Grice’s conversational maxims, called the Grice a maxim: quantity, quality, relation, and manner. In the movie A Man Called Otto, there were several times when the cast committed violations of the maxim. Due to the discovery of these problems, the primary aims of this study are to ascertain the various categories of maxims that are flouted within the movie “A Man Called Otto,” and to provide an explanation of the situational context underlying the character’s dialogues that involve the flouting of maxims. The data were analyzed by the theory proposed by Cutting, (2002) as the leading theory to find out the types of flouting maxims, and the theory context of the situation offered by Halliday, M. A. K., &amp; Hasan, (1989) was used. In this study, the method utilized for analyzing the data was a descriptive qualitative, while observing and note-taking techniques were used in collecting the data. The results of this study indicate that the characters in the movie “A Man Called Otto” flouted the conversational maxims. The maxim of relation was found to be the most frequently flouted, followed by the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, and lastly, the maxim of manner.</p> Ni Putu Adelia Wulantari Putu Devi Maharani Copyright (c) 2023 Ni Putu Adelia Wulantari, Putu Devi Maharani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2023-11-29 2023-11-29 9 2 169 181 10.32505/jl3t.v9i2.7045