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The fundamental problem in Islamic law (Maqasid al-Syari’ah) is how the goal of Islamic law can be useful for justice and bring benefit for all levels of society. However, the effort to bring justice in law is a dinamic and long time process. Through system approach, Jasser Auda tries develops a new frame of mind for the development of Islamic law in this era. There are six concepts of Auda system approach; Cognition, Wholeness, Opennes, Interrelated-Hierarchy, Multidimensionality and Purposefulness. This article discuss about those six concepts and the implementation in Isamic law.


Maqasid al-Syari’ah a system approach

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How to Cite
Prihantoro, S. (2017). MAQASID AL-SYARI’AH DALAM PANDANGAN JASSER AUDA. At-Tafkir, 10(1), 120-134. Retrieved from