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G.H.A Juynboll is an orientalist figure of skepticism who is popular as the developer of the common link theory  initiated by Joseph Schacht. Juynboll claims that the validity of his theory can replace conventional hadith study methods which he deems irrelevant to be used to research the authenticity of hadith. Various responses have come from other hadith scholars questioning the validity and performance of the theory in determining the authenticity of hadith. The common link itself is the oldest narrator term in the isnad file which is considered the most responsible for passing on hadith to more than one student. Azami as one of the scholars of hadith who strongly criticizes this theory says that Juynboll only has his imagination in developing thetheory common link. In response to this, Juynboll tries to provide his arguments to strengthen thetheory common link by explaining the working principle of the theory and its logical reasons, then he provides a comparison between the common link and the conventional method in studying hadith from its various aspects in order to conclude which theory which is more suitable for use in researching a hadith.

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How to Cite
-, F., & Nugraha, Z. M. (2022). G.H.A Juynball’s Common Link Theory on Skepticism About Hadith Authenticity and It’s Refutation. Al-Bukhari : Jurnal Ilmu Hadis, 5(1), 20 - 38.


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