Rizky Andana Pohan, M.Pd. Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, IAIN Langsa, Indonesia.

Prof. Dr. Erdal Hamarta. Department of Guidance and Psychological Counseling, Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi, Konya, Turkey
Pakorn Akkakanjanasupar, Ph.D School of Creative Educational Management, Panyapiwat Institute of Management, Thailand
Tatum Derin. Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. 
Dr. Farhana Sabri, Ph.D. Counselling Program, Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia. 
Dr. Azizah Abdullah, M.Sc. Department of Counseling and Psychology, University Utara Malaysia. 
Prof. Dr. Daharnis, M.Pd., Kons. Department of  Guidance and Counseling, Universitas Negeri Padang, Indonesia.
Erfan Ramadhani, M.Pd. Kons. Department of Guidance and Counseling, Universitas PGRI Palembang, Palembang, Indonesia.
Dr. Mawardi Siregar, MA. Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, IAIN Langsa, Indonesia.
Dedy Surya, M.Psi. Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, IAIN Langsa, Indonesia.
Prof. Dr. Ziaulhaq, MA. Department of Islamic Sufism, Universitas Islam Negeri Sumatera Utara, Indonesia.
Palasara Brahmani Laras, M.Pd. Department of  Guidance and Counseling, Universitas Mercu Buana, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Rikas Saputra, M.Pd. Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, UIN Raden Fatah, Pelembang, Indonesia.
Marimbun, M.Pd. Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, IAIN Langsa, Indonesia.
Syiva Fitria, B.A., S.Psi., M.Sc. Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, IAIN Langsa, Indonesia.
Wan Chalidaziah, M.Pd. Department of Islamic Guidance and Counseling, IAIN Langsa, Indonesia.