Jurnal Al-Hikmah Media Dakwah, Komunikasi, Sosial dan Kebudayaan is a journal published by the Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Studies of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Da'wah of IAIN Langsa. This journal is published twice a year; July and December. This journal publishes and communicates the results of the research of lecturers and practitioners relating to the scope of the study of Communication and Broadcasting studies.
Jurnal Al-Hikmah Media Dakwah, Komunikasi, Sosial dan Kebudayaan has published 14 volumes with seven articles in each volume since 2017. During that period, Al-Hikmah Media Dakwah, Komunikasi, Sosial, dan Kebudayaan repeatedly changed its management structure in order to increase quality. On Volume 15 of the Year 2024, Al-Hikmah Media Dakwah, Komunikasi, Sosial, dan Kebudayaan saw another management transition with the election of Mr. Dr. Zulkarnain, MA as Chief Editor. Under this new management, the journal's goal is to gain enhanced SiNTA ( Science and Technology Index) accreditation. As a result, it is critical to make numerous basic adjustments to the template, author standards, style, and appearance of the journal website right away. So, with this announcement, all parties involved in management Al-Hikmah Media Dakwah, Komunikasi, Sosial, dan Kebudayaan Ask loyal readers and journal writers to adapt to the new format that we have implemented since Volume 15 1st edition in 2024. The new template can be downloaded here. For this reason, we thank you for your cooperation.