IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah 2024-02-13T11:57:33+07:00 Nurjannah Open Journal Systems <p style="font-size: 14px; background-color: #bcf48e; padding: 10px;"><strong>ISSN : </strong> <a href="">2581-0219 (online)</a> <br><strong>Editor In Chief</strong> : <a href=";hl=en&amp;authuser=1&amp;oi=ao">Nurjanah</a><br><strong>Managing Editor</strong>: <a href="">Early Ridho Kismawadi</a><br><span style="font-size: small;"><strong style="font-size: small;">Frequency&nbsp; </strong><a href="">Twice a year (June and December)</a> <br><strong>Indexing</strong> <a href="">Index Copernicus,</a> <a href="">SINTA</a>,&nbsp;<a href="">Moraref,</a> <a href="">ect.</a><br><strong>Accreditation</strong>: <a href="">SINTA</a> |<a href="">105/E/KPT/2022</a><br></span></p> <p><strong>Ihtiyath : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah/Ihtiyath: Journal of Islamic Financial Management </strong>was published by the Faculty of Economics and Islamic Business IAIN Langsa which aims to disseminate research results and ideas of academics and practitioners in the field of Islamic finance management. The topics in Ihtiyath Journal include sharia financial management, sharia marketing, sharia retail management, human resource management, operational management, strategy management, international business, small and medium scale businesses, entrepreneurship, and sharia tourism management and other themes that related to sharia financial management. Ihtiyath Journal is published since 2017 with a publishing period of 2 (two) times a year, namely September and Desember. And since 2021 Published Twice a year (June and December).</p> Penerapan UTAUT untuk Mengukur Kepuasan Pelanggan Mobile Banking Perbankan Syariah 2024-01-06T21:07:07+07:00 Muhammad Zulkarnain Junita Safitri Yulina Astuti <p><em>The ever-developing information technology requires that every element of society and companies must innovate and adapt. These developments are also used by banking companies and in this research Islamic banks. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of satisfaction of customers as customers of banks using the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model approach. Methods of data analysis using quantitative data with data analysis techniques using Path Analysis. The results of the analysis show an indirect relationship to a significant proposition, among which a significant indirect effect is Interest in using Mobile Banking (BI) affects Bank Customer Satisfaction (CS) through the Use of Mobile Banking (AU) positively and significantly. Facilitating Conditions affect Bank Customer Satisfaction (CS) through the actual use of mobile banking (AU). Social influence (SI) affects the actual use of Mobile Banking (AU) through the interest to use Mobile Banking (BI) in a positive and significant way. In addition, Social Influence (SI) also affects Bank Customer Satisfaction (CS) through the actual Mobile Banking Use (AU) variable positively and significantly</em></p> 2023-12-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah Peramalan BI Rate Di Indonesia dengan Metode Time Series Model ARIMA 2024-01-06T21:07:07+07:00 Uswatun Hasanah <p><em>Bi rate determination is one of the monetary policies carried out by the government to regulate the macroeconomic level. The determination of the Bi rate serves as one of the references for entrepreneurs in determining steps for business sustainability. In addition, determining the Bi rate can also control inflation by regulating the amount of money circulating in the community. This research implements the ARIMA model to forecast the BI rate in the period December 2023 to April 2024. Based on the results of the tests that have been carried out, using the best variable values, namely comparing AIC, SIC and HQC values in determining the best model, the ARIMA model (1,1,0) was chosen. The results of the forecasting value in this study that the Bi Rate for the next 5 months, starting from December 2023 to April 2024, shows a downtrend in the Bi rate value</em></p> 2023-12-30T12:27:07+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah The Role of Zakat in Ensuring Sustainability of Economic Growth and Prosperity Through Decent Work 2024-01-06T21:07:07+07:00 Abdul Hamid Jamaluddin <p>Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a global action plan agreed upon by world leaders, including Indonesia, to end poverty, reduce inequality, and protect the environment by 2030. Eradicating poverty, ending hunger, improving health and education quality are among 17 SDGs. In an Islamic perspective, SDGs are not something new, because Islam already has a zakat instrument for promoting economic welfare and a quality life based on principles of justice. This study aims to empirically measure and analyze the extent to which zakat has played a role in improving the Human Development Index (HDI) in Aceh province. A total of 100 mustahik, who receiving zakat for business working capital distributed by Baitul Mal in Aceh provinces were selected as respondents of the study using purposive sampling technique. Primary data obtained from questionnaires distribution were analyzed using multiple regression technique. Zakat funds for business working capital are believed to have an effective effect on promoting HDI and at the same time support the realization of the achievement of SDGs, particularly the reduction of poverty and hunger, improving the quality of health and education of mustahik. To accelerate the realization of the SDGs, zakat institutions must be managed professionally. The collection of zakat funds to be distributed as working capital for the productive economic activities of the mustahik must be increased.</p> 2023-12-31T09:35:17+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah Urgensi Pelaksanaan Islamic Corporate Governance (Suatu Kajian Studi Literatur Pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah) 2024-01-06T21:07:07+07:00 Nurul Inayah Siregar <p><em>Basically, companies and Islamic financial institutions are required to apply the principles of good governance. However, fraud in companies and institutions often occurs and cannot be avoided. In practice, Islamic banks still use the same principles as conventional institutions. This research is a literature study on the implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions, so that it can be seen what discussion has been researched and what discussion needs to be researched. This study uses a qualitative approach. There are 9 articles published in 2018 to 2022 which are grouped into three topics of discussion, namely: 1) Implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance in Islamic Banks, 2) Implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance in Non-Bank Institutions and 3) Implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance associated with Islamic Social Responsibility . Implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance in Islamic Banks is the most articles with a presentation of 44.4%. While the least discussed article is the Implementation of Islamic Corporate Governance associated with Islamic Social Responsibility, with a presentation of 22.2% of the overall theme of the Urgency of Implementing Islamic Corporate Governance in Islamic Financial Institutions. Discussions that need to be examined, such as: Islamic Corporate Governance principles that are in accordance with sharia and different from Corporate Governance principles in general are implemented in conventional institutions</em></p> 2023-12-31T09:41:09+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah Turus Card: E-Money Islamic Boarding School With Strenghts Approach, Opportunities, Aspirations, Result (SOAR) 2024-01-06T21:07:07+07:00 Fita Nurotul Faizah Munawan Rifki Priatna <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui bagaimana implementasi penggunaan <em>e-money turus-card</em> di Balai Pendidikan Islam Yayasan Pondok Pesantren Turus Pandeglang dengan pendekatan SOAR. Jenis penelitian ini adalah <em>field research </em>dengan metode kualitatif. Sementara itu, sumber data berupa primer meliputi wawancara dan observasi serta sekunder dengan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan</p> <p>bahwa <em>e-money</em> menjadi solusi untuk mempermudah transaksi, pencatatan dan pelaporan yang lebih cepat dan praktis. <em>E-money T-Card</em> termasuk kategori <em>open loop</em> karena difungsikan sebagai alat pembayaran, berjenis <em>chip based registered</em> karena identitas pengguna dan nilai uang di dalamnya tercatat dalam kartu pemegang dan terdaftar pada penerbit. <em>T-Card</em> ini menggunakan akad <em>sarf</em>, akad <em>wadi’ah</em>, akad <em>qard</em>, dan akad jual beli (<em>al-bay’</em>), serta akad <em>ijarah</em> berdasarkan perspektif Ekonomi Islam. Dengan berbagai potensi posifif yang ada, melalui pendekatan SOAR pesantren dapat memanfaatkan peluang yang ada untuk mencapai hasil yang optimal.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah Analisis Tingkat Pendidikan dan Pemanfaatan Digitalisasi Terhadap Penerapan Manajemen Keuangan Syariah pada UMKM di Kecamatan Ciamis 2024-02-13T11:57:33+07:00 Lastri Apriani Nurjannah <p><em>Financial management is very necessary for MSMEs as an effort to control assets or funds and carry out financial planning to increase profitability. This study aims to determine the relationship between the Education Level and the use of digitalization on Islamic financial management for MSME actors in Ciamis District. The method used in this study is a quantitative method using primary data through questionnaires on MSME actors. Research sample with a total of 100 respondents. This research method uses multiple linear regression method. The results showed that the level of education and the use of digitalization have a positive and significant relationship with Islamic financial management, the use of digitalization has a significant positive relationship with Islamic financial management for MSME players in Ciamis District. This shows that the higher the level of education and the use of digitalization of MSME actors in Ciamis District, the more the application of Islamic financial management for MSME actors in Ciamis District will increase</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah Analisis Kinerja Berdasarkan Tingkat Efisiensi Perbankan Syariah 2024-01-08T10:36:17+07:00 Aulia Nur Arifah Mohammad Yunies Edward <p>The purpose of this study is to identify performance based on the efficiency level of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia in 2020 period using the DEA method and the CRS model with an intermediation approach. This study also compares efficiency results using five indicators without looking at the actual target and three indicators looking at the actual target. Furthermore, this study uses 10 Sharia Commercial Banks as a sample. Overall, the results of research on the efficiency level of Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia conducted during a certain research period have not consistently reached an optimal level of efficiency, where most of the efficiency levels are still below 100 percent. Policy recommendations for Sharia Commercial Banks to increase the level of efficiency are to control and allocate optimal resources and then increase their output capacity by maintaining existing inputs.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah Minat Beli Konsumen Hidroponik : Ditinjau dari Green Product, Price dan Location di Muria Kudus 2024-01-08T18:46:18+07:00 Lorena Dara Putri Karsono Khananus Salmaa <p><em>Raya Hidroponik Muria is trying to increase buying interest in its hydroponic vegetables, but in reality there are certain groups who have not reached hydroponic vegetable products because of a lack of awareness about the environment and health. In addition to the high price of hydroponic vegetables and production that is difficult to access, it is still a problem for consumers. The purpose of this research is to empirically interpret the effect of green product, price, location on consumer buying interest Raya Hydroponics Muria. The population in this study were consumers Raya Hydroponics Muria Kudus, with the technique used in sampling in the form of incidental sampling and using a convenience sampling approach because the population size was unknown, so that the sample in this study was obtained by 100 respondents. The type of research used is field research with a quantitative approach the hypothesis that has been carried out through multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS 21.0. The results show that product has an effect on consumer buying interest, price has an effect on consumer buying interest, location has an effect on consumer buying interest and green product, price, location together influence consumer buying interest in Raya Hydroponic Muria.</em></p> 2024-01-06T20:17:26+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IHTIYATH : Jurnal Manajemen Keuangan Syariah