Journal Description

This journal is a journal of the Department of Islamic Education which is  an expectation of articles that concentrate on the problems and phenomena of the world of education, religion and culture. Published scientific articles are the results of research, case studies, or theoretical studies relating to the issues of education that are developing at this time. This journal is expected to be able to support the improvement and development of better scientific treasures in the future. It also can be a means of academic information both regionally and nationally, and also internationally. But there is no ivory that is not cracked, therefore maybe in this journal there are still shortcomings. This is not an element of intent, but this is the limit of existing capabilities. So it is very important that constructive contributions and recommendations are made. based on suggestions and input will be valuable lessons for the perfection of the next edition.


P-ISSN: 2406-808X // E-ISSN: 2550-0686

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Vol 11 No 1 (2024): Al-Ikhtibar: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan

Published: Jul 12, 2024

Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Tauhid-Tasawuf (Studi Penelitian Dayah Salafiyah Wilayah Barat Selatan Aceh)

1-15 Rahimi Rahimi, Mukhlizar Mukhlizar
Read Statistic: 154

Strategi Dan Pendekatan Pendidikan Islam Di Era Modernisasi Menurut Perspektif Mastuhu

16-24 Muhammad Sholihuddin, Rizka Alifiyah, Siti Zaenab, M. Faizin
Read Statistic: 135

Peningkatan Hafalan Siswa Dengan Metode 3T1M

(Studi PTK Pada Program Tahfidz Mesjid Istiqamah Gampong Teungoh Kota Langsa)

25-36 Khusnul Fadilla, Hatta Sabri, Syamsiah Z
Read Statistic: 143

Konsep Pendidikan Ki Hajar Dewantara Ditinjau Dari Nilai-Nilai Religius Dan Relevansinya Dengan Kurikulum Merdeka

37-47 Bobi Erno Rusadi, Isnaini
Read Statistic: 106

Perbaikan Kualitas Pelayanan Pendidikan Dalam Memenuhi Kepuasan Pelanggan Di SMP IT Sunan Kalijaga Blitar

48-59 Vanisha Amelia Riani, Prim Masrokan Mutohar, As'aril Muhajir
Read Statistic: 107

Landasan dan Fondasi Dasar Tatakelola Pendidikan Islam Dalam Analisis Aspek-Aspek Filosofis

60-72 Ruslan Razali, Asrul Asrul
Read Statistic: 180

Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Daily Vlog Untuk Meningkatkan Kreativitas Siswa Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

73-90 Imron Fauzi, Muchammad Nur Khothib
Read Statistic: 81

Eksistensi Sistem Pendidikan Pesantren Terpadu Pada Era Modernisasi di Pesantren Dar Faqih Qurani Aceh Timur

91-100 Taufiq Muhammad, Fitriani Fitriani, Suhelayanti, NurAsma
Read Statistic: 125

Stimulus Hafalan Al-Qur’an Melalui Seni Tilawah Pada Anak-Anak Di TPQ Nurul Iman Desa Tamaran Kecamatan Hinai Kabupaten Langkat

101-109 Nurhanifah Nurhanifah, Kevin Wahyu Pradana, Mahyiddin Mahyiddin
Read Statistic: 90
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