Al Intisyar 2024-02-06T10:59:46+07:00 Khuzaimah Alfisyahrina Open Journal Systems <p><strong>AL INTISYAR: Jurnal Bahasa Arab emphasizes</strong> specifications in the discourse of Arabic. AL INTISYAR invites scholars, researchers, and students to contribute the result of their studies and researches in the areas related. That aims to encourage and promote the study of Arabic from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. The journal <strong>focuses</strong> on Arabic learning.</p> Dirasah Tahliliah `An Manhajiah Ta’lif Al-Munjid Li Louis Ma`luf 2024-01-19T11:31:31+07:00 Dhia Istiqomah Ardhea Ferolisa Mhd Ibnu Hanan Al Faruqi Uril Bahruddin <p>Al-Munjid is a popular dictionary that contains hundreds or even thousands of vocabulary words, so many people use it even in almost all parts of the world. The aim of this study was to introduce the author to Al-Munjid Dictionary, the method of writing Al-Munjid and the method of revealing words in it, and the advantages and disadvantages of Al-Munjid Dictionary. The method used in this study is qualitative with a library research design. The data collection technique for this research is to search for data, read data, tag data, and list data related to information contained in books, journals, proceedings, print media, and online media. The results of this research: First, Al-Munjid dictionary uses the lexical grouping method that relies on the method of arranging alphabetical patterns. It is included in several forms of dictionaries, and it is also included in several specific lexical objectives. Second: Some scholars believe that Al-Munjid’s dictionary is connected and part of the Orientalist work that concealed the duties and goals of global Islam. Third: Al-Munjid’s dictionary contains five advantages and eight disadvantages.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al Intisyar Tahsin Maharat AlKalam Bi Altariqat Al Mubasyarah 2024-01-19T10:30:50+07:00 Fuji Astuti Fuji Khuzaimah Alfisyahrina Rahmatun Nisak <p>This study aims to determine the steps of teaching Arabic speaking skills with direct methods and the efforts of the Arabic Language Education Study Program and lecturers in improving speaking skills with direct methods in the Arabic Language Education Study Program at the Langsa State Islamic Institute. The method used in this research is a case study method with a descriptive analysis approach, and to collect data, researchers use observation and interviews as research instruments. In analyzing the data, researchers chose to collect data, reduce data, present data, then draw conclusions. The data sources in this study are the head of the Arabic language education study program, lecturers teaching speaking skills courses and fifth semester students in the Arabic language education study program at the Langsa State Islamic Institute. The results showed that the Arabic Language Education Program, Langsa State Islamic Institute, has applied the direct method as the most important method in teaching speaking skills, and this learning takes place in three stages, namely the planning stage, the implementation stage, and finally the evaluation stage. In order to optimize the teaching of speaking skills with direct methods, the Arabic Language Education study program and lecturers make several efforts, the most important of which are: The Department of Arabic Language Education requires lecturers to speak Arabic in class, lecturers use more Arabic references in teaching, hold an Arabic language environment especially in class and office, and students will not be served except by speaking Arabic. thus the learning of speaking skills using direct methods can be optimized well.</p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al Intisyar Thatwir Wasilah Power Point Tafau’li Li Tarqiyati Qudratu At-Thalabah ‘Ala Maharatil Kalam 2024-01-19T10:35:34+07:00 Meutia Rahmah Latifah Sari Rahmatunnisak <p>Purpose<strong>- </strong>This study aims to develop media interactive power point in improving speaking in Arabic lessons, determine the level of validity of media, and measure the level of effectiveness of the developed media.Design/Methodology/Approach- This study uses research and development methods based on the Dick and Carry model with special treatment from researchers. Sources of data from students, Arabic language studies teacher and expert validators were obtained throuhg observation, interviews, questionnaire and test. The data will then be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively simultaneously with interactive analysis. The subjects of this study were is eight-sixth grade which is also called language class, with a total of 33 samples.Findings Among the results of this study were the results of the small groups with a rate of 87% and large groups with a rate of 92%, and on material validation with a rate of 100% and on media validasi with a rate of 92%. Thus media developed based on interactive power point are effective in improving thills of students in Arabic lessons.Research Limitation/Implication- the formal finding of this research is a media development to make it easier for teachers to teach, based on interactive power point can improve Arabic speaking skills for students</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al Intisyar Ta’tsir Thariqah Al-Sual wa Al-Jawab li Tarqiyah Fahmu Thulab li Mufradat Al-Arabiyah 2024-01-20T12:57:57+07:00 Khairul Adam Mulyani Maiza <p><em>The researchers found problems in grade 5 at SD Jam'iiyatul Hujjaj Bukittinggi ,</em> <em>The difficulty of students in teaching the Arabic language in understanding vocabulary is very low, This makes it difficult for students to understand each material presented.</em> <em>The objectives of this research are to know the effect of the question and answer method to improve students’ vocabulary understanding, to improve students’ vocabulary understanding so that students can easily understand the meaning of each vocabulary.</em><em> This study used quantitative research with a group pretest-posttest design. Researchers took samples in this research experimental class of 28 students and control class of 28 students.The tools used for collecting data were observation, examination, and documentation. and student learning outcomes using the question-and-answer method through media images of 5th grade elementary school students. Based on the acquisition of an average value of 56, This is also proven through the calculation of "T." Calculate more than the "T" Table, namely 2,463.Then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So it can be concluded about the effectiveness of the use of the question and answer method through picture media for students in grade 5 at SD Jam'iiyatul Hujjaj Bukittinggi.</em></p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al Intisyar Tanfidh Istiratijiaat Mubtakarat Litadris Al-Istima’i Waltahaduts Fi Ta’lim Allughatul ‘Arabiyah Fi Al-Madaris Al-Ibtidaiyah 2024-01-20T12:59:14+07:00 Amaliyah Ananda Baharudin Taufik Taufik Taufikan Hidayah Ismi Khairani Laili Rahmawati <p>Learning Arabic as a foreign language certainly requires a strategy that can make students interested in learning it. In addition, there are strategies to help teachers overcome boredom in learning so that it is hoped that the learning that will be created will be much more interactive and fun. So, the purpose of this article is to analyze innovative learning strategies for learning istima' and kalam in learning Arabic at Islamic elementary schools. The results obtained from our research include several activities that support innovative istima and kalam strategies, namely: (1) active learning, (2) technology-based learning, (3) structured speaking exercises, (4) using relevant material, (5) using language games, (6) support discussion, (7) use of Multimedia, (8) Collaborative learning. This activity is considered effective for increasing students' understanding both in terms of knowledge and skills</p> 2024-01-01T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al Intisyar Tahlil Akhta' As Shautiyah fi Ta'diyatil al Mafsil lada Thullab al Jamiah Ali bin Abi Thalib al Islamiyyah Bisurabaya 2024-02-06T10:59:46+07:00 Muhammad Rafeli Fakhlipi Farid Al-Bathoty Nasaruddin Idris Jauhar <p>The causes of difficulties in Arabic are ignorance of the rules or customs of the language, the influence of the mother tongue, and inaccurate language teaching. This study aims to identify vocal errors in the use of pauses in Arabic by semester I students majoring in Arabic language education at Islamic University Ali bin Abi Thalib Surabaya. The method used is a qualitative one, namely descriptive analysis, which explains the data and summarizes it in words. Data collection techniques were carried out using free listening and speaking techniques, writing techniques, and recording techniques using a voice recorder. The results of this study indicate that there are three mistakes that are often made by students when using pauses in Arabic, namely that first, students read texts with pauses but do not read in a high tone before pauses (52.4%). Second, students read the text with pauses but not at the proper pauses (33.3%). Third, there was no pause at all in students' pronunciation while reading the text (14.3%). The results of this study provide an overview of phonological errors in the use of pauses in Arabic so that they can be used as a reference for evaluation in learning Arabic<strong>.</strong></p> 2024-02-06T10:59:46+07:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Al Intisyar