Al Intisyar: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab 2025-01-18T17:05:10+07:00 Khuzaimah Alfisyahrina [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>AL INTISYAR: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab </strong><span style="font-weight: 400;">is a national journal dedicated to interchange the results of high-quality research in all aspects of Arabic education. The journal welcomes all the fundamental theories, experiments, and simulations, application of a systemic proposed method, sufficient review of previous works, expanded discussion, and brief connection.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The journal&nbsp;</span>is published<span style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;by the Arabic Education Department of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, State Institute for Islamic Studies Langsa. It is twice a year, in June and December. As your commitment to the advancement in Arabic education, the journal invites scholars, lecturers, activists, and all interested terms who love early childhood education issues.</span></p> Dalilu ‘I’dadi Al Wahdat At Ta’limiyah Al Ibda’iyah Lita’allumi Al Lughah Al ‘Arabiyah 2025-01-02T07:38:12+07:00 yuswandi yuswandi [email protected] Octa Syakila Salsabila [email protected] Irawan Dwi Kurnianto [email protected] <p>In the field of education, learning modules play a strategic role as one of the mediums that enable the teaching and learning process to take place in a structured and independent manner. In the context of Arabic language learning, the development of high-quality modules is crucial to effectively support students in achieving linguistic competence. The method employed in this study is a literature review, collecting data through the exploration and analysis of various sources, such as books, journals, and previous research. The findings reveal that modules are an instructional resource that provides students with the flexibility to learn independently while also assessing their own abilities. Developing high-quality modules requires a comprehensive understanding of various related aspects. This article discusses the basic concepts of modules, their objectives, key characteristics, development principles, quality elements, components, and systematic steps in module design. The results of this study are expected to serve as a guide for module developers in creating effective and relevant teaching materials.</p> 2024-12-23T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al Intisyar: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Ba’ḍu Al-Namādzij Fi Istikhdām Al-Kalimāt Al-Mutaqāṭi’ah Ligharaḍ Istiẓhāri Al-Mufrodāt 2025-01-02T07:37:49+07:00 Firmansah Setia Budi budi [email protected] Rohanda Rohanda [email protected] <p>The vocabulary is considered the learner's capital for the target language in terms of speaking, communicating, or conversing in it. The problem that learners often face in this regard is the difficulty of retrieving the vocabulary they need when speaking. They often struggle to find a suitable word that expresses the meaning in their minds. This problem must be addressed as quickly as possible so as not to discourage the learner from practicing speaking. To that end, this study was conducted using a qualitative approach, including desk and field research. Data for this study was collected by observing the reality at Mafaza Institute in Indonesia during the education process, as well as through documenting relevant books and articles. After conducting this study, researchers concluded that the use of crosswords could provide learners with the ability and skill to speak, thus overcoming the major obstacle of difficulty in retrieving vocabulary while speaking. Additionally, crosswords can help prevent boredom among learners and boost their enthusiasm for learning. It is recommended in this study that every teacher craft crosswords based on the vocabulary taught in the classroom rather than just copying and pasting ready-made crosswords from the internet, which often do not align with students' needs. The purpose is to train and practice learners in retrieving vocabulary, making it easier for them to express themselves when speaking, and allowing them to engage in dialogue with friends or teachers more effectively.</p> 2024-12-23T11:56:39+07:00 Copyright (c) Arâ’u Syauqy Dhaif Wa Juhûdihi Fi Tajdîd Ta’lîm al- an-Nahwi li Ghair an-Nâthiqîna bi al-Arabiyyah 2025-01-02T07:37:09+07:00 Fadlan Masykura Setiadi [email protected] Nur Balqis [email protected] <p>This research aimed to explore the thought and efforts of <em>Shauqi Dhaif</em> in modernizing the teaching of Arabic grammar for non-Arabic speakers as presented in his book <em>"Tajd</em><em>îd al-Nahw"</em>. The findings reveal that <em>Shauqi Dhaif</em> proposes significant innovations, including the elimination of speculative and local grammatical analysis <em>(i'rab takdiri </em>and<em> i'rab mahalli)</em>, and emphasizes practical utility by establishing detailed definitions and rules for various aspects of grammar. Furthermore, his efforts in restructuring grammar materials involve thorough discussions on word structure, verb conjugations, letter classifications, types of nouns, and more efficient sentence constructions. This approach aims to enhance non-Arabic students' understanding of Arabic grammar, facilitate the teaching and learning process more effectively, and provide a stronger foundation for practical application in everyday language use.</p> 2024-12-23T12:22:46+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al Intisyar: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Musykilatu Ta’limi Mahaarati Al-Qiraati min’Awaamili ghairu Al-Lughawiyyati wa Hululiha Fii Ta’liimi Al-Lughati Al-‘Arabiyati Fii Madarasah Al-Insan Al-Ibda’iyah 2025-01-14T11:34:45+07:00 syahrul muharomi [email protected] Siti Sanah [email protected] <p>Problematics in Arabic language learning is a very important aspect to know in order to achieve the objectives of Arabic language learning effectively, this study aims of identifying and analyzing the problematics of learning maharah qira'ah (reading skills) in Arabic language learning at Insan Kreatif School from a non-linguistic point of view. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method with an analytic descriptive approach with (case study), data collection techniques in this study are observation, interview, and documentation. This study found that in addition to linguistic factors, there are a number of non-linguistic factors that play a significant role in the difficulties faced by students. These factors include low student motivation, lack of support from the family environment, limited supporting facilities and infrastructure, and the use of learning media that has not been optimized. Through observations and interviews with teachers and students, this study shows that by overcoming these non-linguistic barriers, the Arabic learning process can be significantly improved. The results of this study are expected to contribute in formulating more effective strategies to improve Arabic reading skills in similar schools.</p> <p>Keywords: reading skills, problems, non-linguistic.</p> 2024-12-23T12:39:51+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al Intisyar: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Ta’lîm Mahârah Al-Kitâbah bi Istikhdâm Padlet Lil Mubtadîin 2025-01-18T17:03:19+07:00 Aisya Amir [email protected] <p>In this era, online learning has become an essential part of our lives. The internet, as an educational tool, helps and facilitates students' access to numerous resources. It is especially useful for learning the Arabic language. One of the technological tools available online is Padlet, which is a message board where users can post and store various types of content, including videos, images, websites, GIFs, and text. The purpose of this study is to describe the Padlet program and its application in teaching Arabic writing skills to beginners. This study follows a descriptive analysis methodology, as developed by Mills and Haberman, and includes three main stages: data collection, presentation, and conclusion. The results of this study demonstrate that Padlet not only helps students acquire beginner writing skills but also aids in the development of their writing proficiency and boosts their confidence by providing an interactive and supportive environment with detailed examples of various activities. Students can freely share their ideas, receive instant feedback from teachers and peers, and learn by observing&nbsp;others'&nbsp;work.Teaching methods, Writing skills, Padlet programme</p> 2024-12-31T10:56:45+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al Intisyar: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Taḥlīl Taqniyāh Tarjamah Al-Qiṣah Al-hāriq fī Kitāb Qirā’atul Al-Rāsyidah: Wa Ta’tsiruhaa Fii Majaali Ta’limi Al-lughatil ‘Arabiyah 2025-01-18T17:05:10+07:00 Amanda Maulidiya [email protected] Siti Nursaadah [email protected] Rinaldi Supriadi [email protected] <p>This article discusses the approach used in analyzing the translation techniques of the story of Al-Hariq. In this context, the study focuses on the translation strategies applied in the book Qiraatul Rashidah. The analysis is conducted to understand how the story of Al-Hariq is translated and presented in the context of the book. The study provides an in-depth insight into the process of translating the story and how it affects the reader's understanding and interpretation of the story. The technique of translating the story of Al-Hariq in the book Qiraatul Rashidah by using the theory of translation techniques proposed by Molina and Albir with a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis method. This research uses the library method to collect primary data in the source language text (BaSi) and target language text (BaSa) in the book Qiraatul Rasyidah. The conclusion and findings of this research are that there are five translation techniques found in the story of Al-Hariq out of 18 types of Molina and Albir's translation techniques, namely (1) transposition, (2) literal, (3) amplification, (4) shift, (4) description, and (5) reduction</p> 2024-12-31T11:00:43+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al Intisyar: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Arab