About the Journal
JCSE is the abbreviation of Journal of Community Services and Engagement. JCSE is published twice a year (January-June and July-December). This journal is published by Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Ilmu Keguruan (FTIK), IAIN Langsa (ISSN 3062-9594 (online)). This journal is a community service journal that publishes the results of community service activities or community empowerment activities conducted by lecturers or students that have educational values and are beneficial to the community. Submission of article is online (online submission). Authors who want to submit their articles must comply with several conditions in the author guidelines. If the submitted writing does not comply with the conditions in the author guidelines, the editor will decline the article directly without process of review. The editors only accept articles that are in accordance with the requirements in the author guidelines. Each accepted paper will go through a selection and review process by reviewers. After the paper is declared eligible, it will be published.