Jurisprudensi: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundang-Undangan dan Ekonomi Islam https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jurisprudensi <p><strong>Jurisprudensi: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundang-undangan, dan Ekonomi Islam</strong>&nbsp;(<em><strong>Jurisprudensi: Journal of&nbsp;Sharia, Legal, and Islamic Economics)&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;</em>publishes scholarly articles and reviews on the discourse of Islamic and Comparative law in Muslim Societies. <strong>Jurisprudensi: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundang-undangan, dan Ekonomi Islam</strong>&nbsp;(<em><strong>Jurisprudensi: Journal of&nbsp;Sharia, Legal, and Islamic Economics)</strong></em> is an open access and a peer-reviewed journal, available online and published twice a year (February-Juni and July-December) by the <strong>Faculty of Sharia State of Islamic Institution Langsa.</strong></p> State of Islamic Institute Langsa en-US Jurisprudensi: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundang-Undangan dan Ekonomi Islam 2085-630X <div class="pkp_structure_content container main_content"><main class="pkp_structure_main col-xs-12 col-sm-7 col-md-12 " role="main"> <div class="page-static"> <div class="row justify-content-md-center"> <div class="col-md-12"> <div class="page-content"> <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li><strong>Authors retain copyright</strong>&nbsp;and grant the Jurisprudensi: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundang-undangan dan Ekonomi Islam right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp;<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)</a>&nbsp;that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the Jurisprudensi: Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, Perundang-undangan dan Ekonomi Islam published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li>Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See&nbsp;<a href="http://opcit.eprints.org/oacitation-biblio.html" target="_new">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main></div> Pancasila dan Piagam Madinah: Konvergensi Nilai-Nilai dalam Prespektif Ideologi Negara https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jurisprudensi/article/view/7529 <p><em>As a country with the largest number of Muslim populations in the world, the ideology of Pancasila is often contradicted, as if it is incompatible with the identity of an Islamic state. In fact, the debate about the form and sovereignty of the Indonesian state is final and discussed strictly by the hero of the proclamation of independence. This article is classified as literature research with a qualitative approach. The methodology used is content analysis and a comparative study between the Pancasila ideology and the Medina Charter. The results of the study concluded two things: first, the Prophet did not specifically formulate the formal form of an Islamic state, but what the Prophet emphasized was the importance of a state that adheres to Islamic values. Second, although Indonesia is not an Islamic country, the ideology of Pancasila does not contradict, let alone ignore, the essence of Islam and the existence of adherents to it.&nbsp; </em></p> M. Dzikrullah Faza Hafiz Ghulam Ouedraogo Saidou Copyright (c) 2024 M. Dzikrullah Faza, Hafiz Ghulam, Ouedraogo Saidou https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-26 2024-02-26 16 1 1 18 10.32505/jurisprudensi.v16i1.7529 The Provisions of Professional Zakat; Between Zakat on Agricultural Products and Zakat on Gold https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jurisprudensi/article/view/5729 <p><em>Professional zakat is a new problem in the field of fiqh, and the issue of professional zakat is hotly discussed, starting from its understanding and legal basis to the procedures for its implementation. This article is classified as literature research with a qualitative approach. The methodology used is a comparative study of law. The results of the study concluded that there were differences among scholars on professional zakat in terms of its legal basis; some scholars mentioned departing from the construction of qiyas against al-mal al-mustafad. Others say that the basis is Q.S. Al-Baqarah/2:267. While in terms of implementation, some scholars argue that the qiyaskan nisab and qadar zakat professions are the same as agricultural zakat, which does not require hauling. Others argue that the nisab and qadar zakat professions are the same as nisab and qadar zakat al-mal al-mustafad, which is 85 grams of gold but does not require hauling, while zakat al-mal al-mustafad requires hauling. There are also scholars who argue that the nisab and qadar zakat professions are qiyaskan to nisab and qadar zakat gold and wear haul.</em></p> Muhammad Hidayat Muhammad Roni Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Hidayat, Muhammad Roni https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-26 2024-02-26 16 1 19 34 10.32505/jurisprudensi.v16i1.5729 Peran Dosen Wanita dalam Membina Keluarga Sakinah; Perspektif Maslahah Mursalah https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jurisprudensi/article/view/7677 <p><em>This article explains the role of female lecturers at STAIM Probolinggo in fostering sakinah families. This article belongs to field research with an empirical-sociological approach. The methodologies used are qualitative methods and analytical descriptive studies. The results concluded that a career woman is an individual who combines professional dedication and personal aspirations. Career women are examples of women who can achieve success as lecturers and do not override their obligations as housewives. Female lecturers complete work on campus. So that time at home is indeed for family. That's how it's done to maintain household harmony. When viewed from the perspective of maslahah mursalah, career women are included in the category of al-Mashlahah at-Tahsiniyyah, which can increase family economic income. In addition, by entering the world of education, existing knowledge can be more blessed and useful.</em></p> Ahmad Syaifuddin Romli Muhammad Talhah Ajmain Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Syaifuddin Romli, Muhammad Talhah Ajmain https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-02-29 2024-02-29 16 1 35 47 10.32505/jurisprudensi.v16i1.7677 Progressiveness of Sharia Insurance as A Component of The Islamic Non-Bank Financial Industry in Indonesia https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jurisprudensi/article/view/7427 <p><em>The condition of sharia insurance in Indonesia shows limited development; it ranked fourth and only rose one rank from 2019 as the country with the highest number of operators in the world. The market share of sharia insurance, when compared to conventional insurance, reached 6% at the end of 2020. This study aims to analyze the development of sharia insurance in Indonesia through statistical data analysis of sharia insurance financial performance during the 2018–2022 period. This article is classified as literature research with a qualitative approach. The methodology used is a content analysis study. The results found that sharia insurance in Indonesia experienced asset growth of 3.53%, total gross contribution year-on-year of 16.38%, and continued to record investment results in the 2018–2022 range. The growth was dominated by the capital market sector and the banking sector, which experienced an increase.</em></p> Sanurdi Rafiqah Hicham Ait Si Ali Fakhrurrazi Copyright (c) 2024 Sanurdi, Rafiqah, Hicham Ait Si Ali, Fakhrurrazi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-03-27 2024-03-27 16 1 48 63 10.32505/jurisprudensi.v16i1.7427 Moralitas di Dunia Maya: Hukum Mengemis Online Live Tik Tok dalam Perspektif Al-Ghazali https://journal.iainlangsa.ac.id/index.php/jurisprudensi/article/view/7577 <p><em>The rise of controversy programs on live Tik Tok is very detrimental to various parties. One of them is the trend of begging online to generate massive rupiah coffers. Open-access digital platforms should require users to be careful because they become public consumption. In fact, this application is used to beg openly and even display the user's name and face. This study aims to analyze the phenomenon of online begging from the live Tik Tok perspective of Imam Al Ghazali. This research method is qualitative research with a focus on literature research. The data analysis used in this study is descriptive qualitative analysis. The result is that begging online is haram because it is deceitful and takes advantage of certain circumstances to get as many gifts as possible. This is evidenced by the aqli arguments about begging, the impact of online begging on live Tik Tok, and Imam Al Ghazali's perspective regarding begging. </em></p> Nuraini Nasrulloh Hamidatul Latifah Rizka Qurrota Ayuni Puji Kastrawi Copyright (c) 2024 Nuraini Aini https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-03-29 2024-03-29 16 1 64 82 10.32505/jurisprudensi.v16i1.7577