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This paper aims to explain the implementation of Article 5 of Law Number 9 of 1998
concerning Freedom to Express Opinions after the demonstration on October 8, 2020 in
Yogyakarta, thus giving birth to Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X's appeal regarding
demonstrations in the perspective of mas}lah}ah. This type of research is literature
research by conducting various studies that are considered credible with the primary
source studied. This research results in a conclusion that freedom to express opinions in
public is part of the basis of democracy, which has a role in eradicating corruption, gaps
in government, and a last resort in conveying an aspiration. In implementing Article 5
of Law Number 9 of 1998 at the demonstration that took place on October 8, 2020 in
Yogyakarta, restrictions are still needed so as not to conflict with Islamic law and laws.
The demonstration in Yogyakarta led to anarchism, which led to a response from Sultan
HB X. The appeal issued by Sultan HB X can be justified because it considers many
things, one of which is security, safeguarding public facilities, and order. This appeal
also does not mean to limit, eliminate people's rights, and prohibit them from expressing
their aspirations.


demonstration maslahah appeal of Sultan HB X, anarchist freedom of opinion

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