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Smoking is an activity that has become part of human life in differene parts
of the world. However smoking is a thing that can be said to be relatively
new, because cigarettes have not been known at the time of Prophet SAW.
Because it is a new one, it’s not suprising it is appears a variety of different
opinions in a non legislation, both ulama in person or religious organization
which is often used as a reference for the general public. Muhammadiyah
throught the council of tarjih have established to consider unlawful the
smoking, while Nahdatul Ulama established that the smoking law merely
improper. The differences of opinion certainly is something to be examined
futher. Moreover, both organization are the largest organization in
Indonesia and has fanaticism its self. So that whatever be the decicion
would have passable


Merokok. Muhammadiyah. NU.

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How to Cite
Ihsan, M. (2017). MEROKOK DALAM PERSPEKTIF MUHAMMADIYAH DAN NAHDHATUL ULAMA. Al-Qadha : Jurnal Hukum Islam Dan Perundang-Undangan, 4(1), 16-33.