Article Submission Charges

We opened up the opportunity for author(s) around the world to submit an article in Jurnal At-Tibyan: Jurnal Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir. We are very proud to declare that the author(s) are NOT CHARGE at the time for submission their article to Jurnal At-Tibyan: Jurnal Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir.

Article Processing Charges (APCs)

All accepted articles are subject to Article Processing Charges to give readers free access and cover the costs of peer review management and the journal production process. The submitting author is responsible for payment of the APC and must confirm at the time of submission, that s/he will arrange for payment of the APC, should the article be accepted for publication. No third party may be assigned this task without the publisher's consent. The article will be invoiced once it is "Accepted" and the APC will not impact the peer review procedure. 

All authors from Indonesia: IDR 350,000.00
International collaboration (Indonesian and abroad authors): IDR 250,000.00 or USD 16.00

Author from abroad: USD 20.00