Journal Description

Al-Hikmah Media Dakwah, Komunikasi, Sosial dan Kebudayaan is a journal published by the Department of Communication and Islamic Broadcasting Studies of the Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab, and Da'wah of IAIN Langsa. This journal is published twice a year; Jule and December. This journal publishes and communicates the results of the research of lecturers and practitioners relating to the scope of the study of Communication and Broadcasting studies. In issue 13 Vol 2, this journal publishes 6 articles to maximize and competitively capture the best writings.

Interesting articles for scholars, practitioners, scientists, and researchers who are interested in Islamic, cultural, and social communication issues. Its aim is to promote and exchange concepts and ideas developed in this field of study by publishing relevant, peer-reviewed scientific information and discussion. This will help academics and practitioners in the field of communication to develop their knowledge and achieve greater results within the context of both academics and practitioners. This journal has become a CrossRef Member since the year 2018. Therefore, all articles published by this journal will have unique DOI numbers.

ISSN: 2655-0539 (e) | 2086-9762 (p) 

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Vol 14 No 2 (2023): Al-Hikmah Media Dakwah, Komunikasi, Sosial dan Kebudayaan

Published: Dec 9, 2023

Multimedia Center: Strategi Dinas Komunikasi Informatika Persandian dan Statistik Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah dalam Pengelolaan Informasi

127-130 Sofiya Sofiya, Syairil Fadli, Heri Setiawan
Read Statistic: 96

Makna Simbol Komunikasi Ritual Pada Tradisi Badudus Suku Banjar

131-147 Maulida Hidayah
Read Statistic: 92

Islam dan Budaya: Menelisik Makna Simbol Tradisi Kai’an pada Masyarakat Desa Tanjung Besar Kabupaten Oku Selatan, Indonesia

148-159 Intan Kurnia Syaputri, El Mala El Mala, Dita Verolyna
Read Statistic: 49

Seni Mural Sebagai Bentuk Ekspresi Nilai-Nilai Keislaman di Kota Salatiga, Indonesia

160-174 Malik Ibrahim, Anis Mubarok; Melinda Sandra Aeni, Indah Siti Ramadhonah; Adawiyah
Read Statistic: 114

Peran Komunikasi Media Sosial Dalam Meningkatkan Kesehatan Mental

175-188 Erwan Efendi, Muhammad Abrar Haq Salam, Muhammad Daffa, Shendy Sanjaya, Rifka Nur Azmi
Read Statistic: 297

Realitas Media Massa Lokal dan Politik Dalam Proses Demokrasi di Kota Langsa

189-204 Danil Putra Arisandy
Read Statistic: 74

Sakralitas Sendekolo: Fenomena Spiritual Masyarakat Klaten Jawa Tengah

205-216 Rahmat Hidayat, Hestyana Widya Pangesti
Read Statistic: 179
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