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This research aims to obtain data relating to the impact of Islamic religious education learning in forming students' morals at SMP 28 Kerinci and can provide positive suggestions to Islamic religious education teachers, whether carried out through example, guidance or appropriate education. through the teaching and learning process in an effort to shape and improve the morals of students at SMP 28 Kerinci. Data collection was carried out through field research carried out by means of interviews, observations and distributing questionnaires. The results of this research conclude that there is a significant positive influence between Islamic religious education on the moral formation of students at SMP 28 Kerinci, stating that the alternative hypothesis is accepted and the null hypothesis is rejected. In the end, the expected goal in writing this thesis is for students to become human beings who have good morals in worship, in everyday life, towards teachers and towards fellow humans.
Keyword: Learning Islamic Religious Education, Student Morals
Article Details
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