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The result shows that in the Islamic law, inheritance land which  has not been distributed is prohibited to be bought and sould because it is still  owned by the other heirs. If all heirs approve of the buy and sell it can be bought and sold, otherwise it is considered illegal and revoked. Legal protection for the buyer of undistributed inheritance  land is that he can file a complaint in civil case on the seller and the Notary/PPAT (official who is empowered to draw up deeds) who has drawn up the sales agreement. He can also file a complaint in criminal case by reporting a fraud as it is stipulated in Article 378 of the Criminal Code Judge’s legal consideration in the Ruling of the Sharia Court No. 291/Pdt.G/ 2013/Ms-Sgl has fulfilled the sense of justice for the land owner since all heirs have had their equal share on the land so that they are not harmed.


Soil Heritage

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How to Cite
fasya, fasya. (2018). ANALISIS KASUS TENTANG JUAL BELI TANAH WARISAN YANG BELUM DIBAGI (STUDI PUTUSAN MAHKAMAH SYARIAH SIGLI NOMOR: 291/PDT-G/2013/MS-SGI). Al - Muamalat: Jurnal Hukum Dan Ekonomi Syariah, 3(II), 170-178. Retrieved from


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