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Applying appropriate methods to encourage children's growth and development and instilling character values ​​is the main focus of all early childhood education. Many methods and models can be used as references in meeting these requirements. Living Values ​​Education is one of the methods present in society to instill values ​​that focus on students' character. These values ​​are flexible and adapted to needs, culture, and traditions. The research method used is library research, namely a series of research relating to library data collection methods or research whose research objects are explored through various library information. Implementation of Living Values ​​Education that is integrated into the curriculum with twelve fundamental values ​​of love, peace, cooperation, tolerance, sincerity, compassion, respect, honesty, humility, happiness, and unity. A peaceful atmosphere is a whole of rules, order, and peace created in the order of values ​​of life lived with a smile.


Living Value Education Early Childhood Character

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Veryawan, V., Ningsih, A. D., Tursina, A., Saptiani, S., & Nasution, R. A. (2023). Living values education program in early childhood. Jurnal Anifa: Studi Gender Dan Anak, 4(2), 50 - 60.


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