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The Covid-19 pandemic is a global disaster. Every sector is affected, including the education sector. The pandemic caused students to accept distance learning (online). Distinct from the offline method, the online system requires gadgets and the internet. Online learning causes difficulties for students, such as outdated smartphones, unstable networks, shifting learning methods, more course work compares to offline learning and spending more phone credits, which impact students' psychological conditions and put pressure on students. Pressure is an indicator of someone experiencing Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DAS). This study aims to determine the DAS level in college students during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The instrument used is in the form of a Likert scale, namely DASS-42. Based on the research results, students in the cities of Binjai and Medan are in the moderate category, which means that they experienced DAS during the online learning process. Based on the results obtained from this study, expectantly that there will be a role for tertiary institutions to suppress DAS in students by facilitating official counseling services to prevent DAS in students



Depression Anxiety Stress Students Covid-19 Pandemic

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How to Cite
Nengsih, N., & Simarmata, S. W. (2022). Analysis of Depression, Anxiety and Stress (DAS) of University Students During the Covid-19 Pandemic. ENLIGHTEN: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling Islam, 5(2), 121-129.


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