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Reading is a window to the world, but the level of interest in reading in Indonesia is very low. This is exactly what encourages the writer to create a literacy program in schools in accordance with the GLS program that is required to be done. Reading and writing can reduce student problems and can even solve problems that are being faced by students. Students who are diligent in reading and writing will certainly have high discipline. In accordance with the vision and mission and the motto of SMP Negeri 3 Barusjahe, students are expected to be able to realize "MEKAR-BERSERI" that is to be Independent, Educative, Creative, Active and Clean Disciplined, Healthy, Neat and Beautiful. To measure the successful implementation of this GLS Program researchers used descriptive qualitative methods. The results of this study indicate that literacy in the scope of schools is the ability of a student to develop what students get from reading and writing so that students become more creative, productive, competitive, characterized, and nationalist and foster good character for students. In addition, by reading and writing students can increase obedience and compliance with school rules and regulations


Literation mekar-berseri student

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