The general structure of the original research article
Paper identity
The title must be simple, attractive, informative, and reflect the essential findings of the article. After the title of the manuscript, followed by authors' names and affiliations (department, institution, region, and country). Last is the complete contact information for the corresponding author, including the email address.
An abstract is a concise and comprehensive summary of scientific articles. Abstracts can help readers understand the contents of articles easily and quickly. Therefore, the abstract must be made as attractive as possible so that the reader is interested in reading the entire article. A good abstract must be accurate, non-evaluative, coherent, readable, and concise. The abstract must contain: 1) the problem under investigation, in one sentence if possible; 2) research objectives; 3) research subjects/participants, including the number, sampling/recruitment techniques, and unique characteristics such as age, gender, race, or ethnicity, or other relevant; 4) research methods (approaches, data collection methods, data collection tools, data analysis methods); 5) research results, and 6) conclusions and implications or applications. The abstract contains a narrative containing one paragraph (200-250 words) without indentation and uses left and right-aligned. The abstract is on the second page after the title page. The abstract should not contain any citations or abbreviations.
They were written in alphabetical order. Keywords consist of 3-5 words or phrases typed in italic, not bold, use lowercase letters, and each is separated by a semicolon (;) and followed by space.
The introduction consists of several paragraphs that contain: the problem, the importance of the problem to be studied, a relevant literature review, a hypothesis, or a research question. The issue under study can explain the phenomena that are why the problems raised in the research proposal are considered attractive, relevant, and need to be investigated. Furthermore, the introduction also includes studies related to previous relevant research. Previous research findings must relate to the topic of research to be conducted. The author is expected to be able to explain the research gap or the relationship between the research conducted and other studies on the same topic. Introduction also contains the purpose of the research (in a unified paragraph form, not the sub-section). The purpose of the study is in the form of a unified paragraph, not a sub-section. The purpose of the research explains the focus of research carried out to fill the gaps in previous findings. Then it is followed by research implications that contain theoretical and practical implications.
The introduction ends with a research hypothesis or question. The introduction contains a minimum of 20 references from the last ten years of research journals, 80% of which are primary sources. Write the introduction descriptively and avoid using numbering and pointers. Numbering allowed, for example, (1) numbering inside brackets; (2) in paragraphs, not multi-leveled.
The method explains in detail how the research was carried out. The type of research used will determine the method used in the study. The research method in the quantitative approach contains a description of the identification of variables; population, sample, and sampling techniques; data collection methods and tools; instrument validation; and data analysis methods. Furthermore, the research method in a qualitative approach includes several related matters: an explanation of the form of the qualitative approach taken, research participants, data collection methods and tools, validation and transferability, and data analysis methods. The method is written descriptively in paragraphs accompanied by numbering or bullets.
The study’s results consisted of descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean and standard deviations, assumptions test results, and hypotheses test results, which were then analyzed critically and presented in a sequential or integrated manner. The explanation of the results section contains the results of the data analysis. If the research is qualitative, the findings can be conveyed through patterns, themes, tendencies, and motives that emerge from the data.
The content of the discussion is an explanation of the research findings, linked to the results of previous studies, and critically analyzed based on the latest relevant literature. The discussion can also be done by contrasting the research findings that have been done with the author’s research results. The weaknesses of research in this journal can be included at the end of the discussion with suggestions to improve it in future studies. Tables/charts/figures can be displayed. Tables/charts/figures contain exposure to the analysis results, which are already meaningful and easily understood quickly. The table contents are explained first before presenting it, as well as pictures and charts.
The table must be numbered and titled with Calibri 11. Note that the placement of the table title is above the table. The table has no borders, except horizontal lines at the top, second, and last, and without vertical lines. The font for the contents of the table is Calibri 9. The presentation of the table should be in 1 column, as in the example. The table does not cut to the next page. The position of the title of the figure or chart is typed below. The figure or chart must be numbered and titled in Calibri 11 font and bold.
The conclusion is to answer to research objectives and not a summary of the results of the study. Conclusions are concise, clear, and compact. Conclusions are made in the form of paragraphs (not numerical) and further highlight new things that contribute to the development of the science of psychology, the implications in life take precedence, and suggestions or recommendations.
Author Contribution Statement
Please explain the contribution of each author in conducting the article in detail.
Funding Statement
Please explain the source of research funding and, more specifically, the contract number. Make sure the statement complies with the guidelines provided. If not, please write: “This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.”
Data Access Statement
A data access statement tells the reader where the research data associated with a paper is available and under what conditions the data can be accessed. They also include links (where applicable) to the data set. For any data access, please write: “The data described in this article are openly available in …”
Declaration of Interest Statement
Please write: “The authors declare no conflict of interest.”
Additional Information
Please explain if there is additional information that might be shared. If not, please write: “No additional information is available for this paper”
In the acknowledgment section, the author can express thanks to reviewers and proofreaders, technicians who help prepare equipment set-ups or any others who assist in research conducting.
Author Biography
In this section, please explain the biography of all authors (It might be occupation, affiliation, educational background, research interest area, and mailing address/email address/contact number)
The reference list contains everything referenced in the text that comes from sources: (a) relevant and (b) a minimum number of 25 source references, with 80% coming from journal articles in the last 10 years. The internet-accessible references are preferred. Reference format refers to the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th Edition. Write all references by using reference management software such as Mendeley, Zotero, Endnotes, or others.
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Manuscript/paper template
The manuscript/paper template of the original research paper can be downloaded here.
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