Mohd Afifi bin Bahurudin Setambah (Scopus ID 57208423455)
Faculty of Human development, Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI), Malaysia
Yenny Suzanna (Scopus ID 57209181747) (Sinta ID 6703709) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic Institute of Langsa, Indonesia
Sabaruddin (Scopus ID 58074043600) (Sinta ID 5997404) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic Institute of Langsa, Indonesia
Budi Irwansyah (Scopus ID 57216621252) (Sinta ID 5980619) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic Institute of Langsa, Indonesia
M. Duskri (Scopus ID 57204475174) (Sinta ID 6023795) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry, Indonesia
Zainal Abidin (Scopus ID 57209314448) (Sinta ID 6025373) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic University of Ar-Raniry, Indonesia
Edy Saputra (Scopus ID 57202599637) (Sinta ID 6636565) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic Institute of Gajah Putih, Indonesia
Elizar (Scopus ID 57208560583) (Sinta ID 6701281) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, Syiah Kuala University, Indonesia
Erfan Yudianto (Scopus ID 57194043864) (Sinta ID 5975738) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, University of Jember, Indonesia
Fitriati (Scopus ID 57204465539) (Sinta ID 258173) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, Universitas Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Rahmy Zulmaulida (Scopus ID 57202609179) (Sinta ID 6677783) (GS ID)
Department of Mathematics Education, State Islamic Institute of Lhokseumawe, Indonesia