Journal Description

This journal is a journal of the Department of Islamic Education which is  an expectation of articles that concentrate on the problems and phenomena of the world of education, religion and culture. Published scientific articles are the results of research, case studies, or theoretical studies relating to the issues of education that are developing at this time. This journal is expected to be able to support the improvement and development of better scientific treasures in the future. It also can be a means of academic information both regionally and nationally, and also internationally. But there is no ivory that is not cracked, therefore maybe in this journal there are still shortcomings. This is not an element of intent, but this is the limit of existing capabilities. So it is very important that constructive contributions and recommendations are made. based on suggestions and input will be valuable lessons for the perfection of the next edition.


P-ISSN: 2406-808X // E-ISSN: 2550-0686

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Vol 11 No 2 (2024): Al-Ikhtibar: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan

Published: Jan 2, 2025

Manajemen Pendidikan Islam: Landasan Filosofis Dan Praktis

Zulfahji Zulfahji, Usiono
Read Statistic: 46

Penerapan Prinsip Universal Design For Learning (UDL) Dalam Kelas Inklusif Peluang Dan Tantangan Di Era Digital

Suwandi, Sindy Sintiya, Rasyidin
Read Statistic: 48

Implementasi Teknologi Literasi Digital Al Quran Hadis Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Di STIT Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Medan

Ahmad Faisal, Abdul Aziz Sebayang, Isryad Saifullah, Bintang Tarigan
Read Statistic: 90

Transformasi Sistem Full Day School Dan Kurikulum Integratif Dalam Konteks Pendidikan Islam Pada Lingkungan Sekolah – Madrasah

Asrarun Nafis, ruslan razali, Hatta Sabri
Read Statistic: 34

Memfasihkan Bacaan Alquran Santri Melalui Media Domino Tahsin (DOTA) (Studi PTK pada TPQ Al-Ahsan Alue Beurawe Langsa)

Syamsiah Z, Raudahatun Dahnian, Fitri Indriani, Nani Endri Santi
Read Statistic: 44

Menggagas Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Multikultur dan Pluralisme

Muhibuddin, Hamdani, Tajul Munir
Read Statistic: 26

Wisata Religi Ke Makam Tokoh Islam Aceh di Peureulak: Meningkatkan Kesadaran Sejarah Pendidikan Islam Mahasiswa

Suhelayanti, Amiruddin , Muhammad Nur
Read Statistic: 25

Implementasi Pendidikan Ramah Lingkungan Dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa Di SMPN 1 Darul Aman Kabupaten Aceh Timur

Agamsyah Fahlevi, Asrul
Read Statistic: 7

Konsep Pendidikan Dalam Perspektif Al-Qur'an:‎ Studi Penyatuan Pendidikan Agama Dan Pendidikan Umum

Kajian Tafsir Al-Azhar Surat Al-Qassas Ayat 77‎

Muhamamd Isa Zakaria, Azizah
Read Statistic: 15
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